Free Book Reveals How To Find Purpose and Happiness After Experiencing Loss
Monica Teurlings
If you are feeling disconnected from yourself and want to feel joy and live with passion then this might be the most important page you ever landed on.

In a minute i'll show you why.

But first... Here's The Truth About Finding Our Way

We all want to be happy, but when things happen in our lives that make us lose ourselves, we forget our purpose.

As a medium & motivational coach, I see many clients who struggle with this. The best way to describe it is that when I give readings I sense a heavy heart. A heavy heart from losing someone they loved, or from a major life event such as a divorce.

When we wake up feeling off, not quite ourselves or a bit disconnected, it's our signal to ourselves that we have stepped away from who we are. 

We have stepped away from our needs and personal care. In a way unknowingly, we have abandoned ourselves. We gradually stopped doing activities that made us happy. 

We have neglected ourselves personally, emotionally and spiritually.

Sound familiar? 

You Need To Service Your Inner Engine

When your car engine light goes on you rush it to the mechanic, but when we don't feel like ourselves - that is our inner engine light going off telling us that something needs service within us.

My book, Destination Self, is a wonderful, easy guide book with practical ways to bring you back to feeling yourself, get you back on the road to reclaiming your happiness, feel good and to help you get that inner engine light serviced. 

It’s FREE to you and I am sure it will help you forward like it has so many of my clients. 

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

Exactly What You Are Getting

This is dramatically different from anything you've ever read because it's more of a "field guide" to feeling your best for massive transformation than a traditional "book".

Plus, it's easy to read.

It's just 87 pages. You can read it in an afternoon.

And you'll immediately understand the entire methodology I personally used to pick myself up whenever I feel like I am falling off track.

Here's just a fraction of what's inside and what it might mean for your happiness:
  • How INTENTIONS keep us on track: Intentions are like the guard rails of life. Without them you quickly fall back into unwanted patterns. This book will show you how to set and keep your intentions. (Page 14)
  • The lowest hanging fruit to start feeling yourself again is cultivating gratitude. The fact that you are reading this right now is something to be grateful for because this message can potentially change your life FOREVER. We ALL have thousands of things to be grateful for and I will show you how to be on the lookout for them. (See page 18)
  • Meditation: The quality of our day is dependent on the quality of our minds. Learning how to identify and release negative thoughts is crucial for feeling our best. I'll teach you techniques and how to get into a routine even if you think you can't meditate. (Page 25)
  • You need to create your own happiness. I teach you how to be the seeker to uncovering what you want by asking yourself the right questions. (page 54)
  • ​​I'll show you how you can find your purpose on page 67 and how to love yourself on page 79.

Here's What To Do Next

I figured you'd prefer to get the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.
As soon as you tell me what email to send it to, you'll be sent a receipt with the download link where you can get it.
From there you can download the book and read it right away.
You can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Of The Essence 

Here's why.

This book is available on amazon for $11.99 as a paper back. 

But I am giving 100 of them away for free as an ebook so people who are serious about wanting to feel better can get started right away.

I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might have a session with me or refer me.
Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.

I'm excited for you to read the book, and start feeling more happiness in your life and most importantly to recognize yourself once again.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy
Now Before They're All Gone 

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